Frequency of genito-urinary tract disorders in a tertiary hospital in Isfahan, Iran

Zahra Tolou-Ghamari


For advanced planning related to health issues for hospitalized patients, we aimed to categorize genitourinary tract disorders in a large, representative sample of patients' population in a referral teaching hospital in Isfahan, Iran. In this retrospective study, we enrolled 3721 patients of both genders with a mean age of 45 (ranged from 1 to 93) years old. Clinical and demographical data were recorded in Excel. The statistical analyses processed using SPSS for windows. 79% of total population were males and in the 58% age ranged from 20 to 60 years old that was correlated to employed years of life. In the 78% complications related to genitourinary tract disorders ranked as: urolithiasis (n = 27%), prostate (n = 17%), kidney (n = 14%), testis (n = 11%) and bladder (n = 9%). In the residual 22% of population classified disorders were as: penis, urethral stricture, inguinal hernia, vesicoureteral reflux, urinary incontinence, cystocele, renal colic and adrenal gland. In the 528 patients classified kidney disorders were ranked as: ESRD (51%), unknown kidney disease (38%), malignant neoplasm (7%), and cystic kidney (6%). Testis disorders classified as varicocele (40%), testicular torsion (23%), cryptorchidism (16%), and hydrocele (10%). This study confirmed that among a group of genitourinary tract disorders, the frequency of urolithiasis and prostate were higher than others. The percentage of males with genitourinary tract disorders was higher than females. Among testis disorders varicocele and testicular torsion was high. In the more than of half studied patients’ age was related to active and working years of lifetime. Finally as the occurrence of urolithiasis and prostate disorders is increasing in Isfahan, further research in these directions seems to be advantageous.  


Urolithiasis, prostate, clustering, hyperplasia, genito-urinary, malignant, penis

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