Estimation of Lippia alba antioxidants' activities in ochratoxin A intoxicated albino rats

Olukayode Olugbenga Orole, Timothy Olubisi Adejumo, Adedotun Adefolalu, Victor Fadayomi


The participation of antioxidants in body cellular processes cannot be over-emphasized as they protect and reduce oxidative damage within the cell and its surrounding membranes. These chemical substances act on free radicals by donating free electrons to unstable radicals thereby haltering their capacity to steal electrons. The capacity of Lippia alba extract to ameliorate antioxidant levels in ochratoxin A intoxicated albino rats were investigated.  Sixty albino rats divided into two sets were used in the study. Animals were administered a single dosage of 2mg ochratoxin A per 250 mg bw of animals, followed by the administration of the extract at 300 mg per kg body weight by gavage. Results showed that intoxication with 2 mg OTA/250 g bw reduced the glutathione levels in the two sets by 55.3 %, 47.1 %, 59.3 %, and 65.9 % for pre-treated (kidney), post-treated (kidney), pre-treated (liver), and post-treated (liver) respectively. Superoxide dismutase values obtained highest recovery in group 5 pre-treated animals with increased values in the kidney and liver (51.37 ± 2.13 U/mg protein and 23.52 ± 1.78 U/mg protein respectively). Malondialdehyde values reduced to 42.78 ± 4.13 mol/g kidney tissue (pre-treated set)and 53.60 ± 2.96 mol/g kidney tissues(post-treated set) which was a 25.1 % difference between the pre-treated and post-treated sets. Conclusively, pre-treatment with L. alba increased antioxidant levels and it also reduced unstable radicals formed due to oxidative damage caused by xenobiotic ochratoxin A as seen in the results obtained. The extract thus improves the activities of antioxidant malondialdehyde, glutathione, SOD, and glutathione s-transferase.


Antioxidants; radicals; Lippia; intoxication

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