Foods; friends or foes

Mohammad Bagher Owlia, Sina Owlia


Foods are the major fuel sources of cells therefore essential for life and all living organisms. Our knowledge regarding the surrounding foods is rather little. We eat diverse foodstuff during our lives and we rarely can imagine that foods can have considerable impact on our life. Human being is considered omnivorous in respect to other animals. However, this does not mean that these foods cannot alter human biology on a badly fashion. Unfortunately, in some conditions even a normal human body has some unusual responses to some selected foods. We normally see some people who cannot eat or react to some regular diets such as nuts or fruits, seafood, vegetables and dairy products. Ingestion of them by some people may have some adverse effects presenting with skin rashes, urticaria, bloating, abdominal pain, headache, drowsiness, diarrhea or constipation or even convulsion or mood disorders. We translate these responses as “body language” in response to bad foods. This manuscripts aims to illuminate the relationship between the food intake—as in both quantity and quality—and the way human body functions, by proposing a hypothetical model encompassing what the body needs, and what harms can foods cause.


Foods, need-harm theory, inflammation, ageing, obesity, over-feeding

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